
Ζαγορά, σ’ αυτόν τον τόπο, το Νοέμβριο του 1993, ιδρύθηκε ο Γυναικείος Αγροτουριστικός Συνεταιρισμός Ζαγοράς,
Rhegas Pheraeos or Velestinlis (Velestinles) Rigas Feraios was born in 1757 (24 June 1798) into a wealthy family in the village of Velestino Ottoman Empire ( modern Thessaly Greece). He was at some point nicknamed Pheraeos of Feraios after the nearby Ancient Greek city of Pherae.
The historic library of Zagora in Pelion is located near the central square of Zagora. - The Agricultural Cooperative Union of Zagora-Pilio is one of the oldest co-operatives, since it was established in 1916 by 199 people of Zagora. In 1985,