The historic library of Zagora in Pelion is located near the central square of Zagora.
Since 1762, Ioannis Prigkos began sending his library material (800 volumes in total), which he initially donated to the school that operated in the district of Agios Georgios, Zagora since the early 18th century (1712) and was given the name “Ellinomouseio” (Greek Museum), while he also sent significant amounts of money to Zagorian patriarch Kallinikos III.
He continued sending more books from the Netherlands [2] which reached a total number of about 1000 volumes to be used by students and anyone who wished so. These books constituted the first material of the library.
Among the later distinguished students and scholars of the library were Anthimos Gazis and Rigas Feraios. This building is known as the School of Rigas. In the library there are 5000 manuscripts and incunabula.
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